START OF TERM DATES JANUARY 2022 | Highcliffe Sixth


Tuesday 4th January (First Day of Term for All Students)

Y7, Y11, Y12 and Y13 - in School

Year 7, 11 and 12 consented students will be LFD tested during the morning. Year 13 must home LFD test before Tuesday, as they come back straight into mock exams so can’t test in school. School buses and minibuses will run as normal all week.

Y8, Y9 and Y10 - remotely learning at home from 9:05am using the same system on MyHighcliffe that we used during the lockdowns. Students should expect to get up at the normal time and start each lesson at the usual time.


Wednesday 5th January

Y7, Y8, Y10, Y11, Y12 and Y13 – in school

Y8 and Y10 consented students will be LFD tested in the morning.

Y9 - remotely learning at home from 9:05am using the same system on MyHighcliffe that we used during the lockdowns. Students should expect to get up at the normal time and start each lesson at the usual time. Normal Wednesday timetable will be followed.


Thursday 6th January

All Students – in school

Y9 consented students will be LFD tested in the morning

    Owned by: HGE | Last Published: 28/12/2021 14:27:00 | Next Update: N/A

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