PARENTS FORUM | Highcliffe Sixth


The Parents Forum was introduced in October 2021 to continue to develop our communications with parents and allow the school a consultative panel.  The forum is open to all parents and at the present time does not work on a 'membership' basis but when needed we do reach out to those parents that have attended.

This page includes links to the meeting summary reports we will be producing after each meeting.  There is no booking required to attend but we do ask for your name and child(s) name when attending so we can get in touch if needed.

Please note - the parent forum is not an appropriate event to raise any personal concerns and these should be raised via contacting the school office as soon as possible.

Meeting dates during the 2022/2023 school year:

8th November 2022 6pm

7th February 2023 6pm

- Building work update and capital investment bids/plans

- Learning Journeys and how we can promote and use with parents

- Communications Policy (Draft) feedback

Please register here via Eventbrite so we know how many to expect.

13th June 2023 6pm - POSTPONED

Meetings during the 2021/2022:

19th October 2021 6pm - meeting notes including what we have done since the meeting

15th February 2022 6pm - meeting notes 

8th June 2022 5:30pm - opportunity to meet colleagues from HISP Multi Academy Trust, learn more about our merger with them and ask questions. 

Parent visit to see School Catering October 2021

As discussed at the meeting on 19th October 2021 we reached out to all parents registered for that meeting and invited them in to witness a normal school lunch period however we received very few responses.  This visit occurred on the 8th of February but unfortunately some parents had to cancel their visit.  Those parents in attendance saw the sixth form café and POD areas before the lunch service and were then able to see the variety and type of food on offer in the main canteen followed by witnessing the service, queues and amount/variety of food left at the end of the service.  

One parent later shared with us what she was going to post to a group of parents the following statement:

"We saw a typical lunch hour and the queues were minimal (the staff said there has been recent work to reduce queue times) and there seemed to be a variety of food left still at the end, which was encouraging (as I know these were both an area of concern). Most students had gone through by about 15 minutes after the start of lunch. 

In terms of costs, the most cost-effective spend is definitely to encourage your child to buy the 'main meal' of the day for £2.10 which gives a meal (was shepherds pie or pasta yesterday), with veg and a dessert (all for £2.10!).  It might be worth encouraging your child to look at that first, to see if they like the main meal of the day, before they spend it elsewhere :).  The school does look at other meal costs in other schools to try and keep costs competitive, but I fed back that some foods do seem expensive. 

The school are hoping to post weekly schedules of main meals on their website (as soon as supplies are stable) and this might help with our children making choices beforehand and therefore choosing between packed lunch and school dinners, before the day. 

The school are also looking at how to better orientate future children (Year 7) and parents on lunches and the different processes/options, before they start in the school."

    Owned by: MDS | Last Published: 15/02/2024 10:56:16 | Next Update: N/A
