Members of Highcliffe Sixth may wear non-uniform clothes, but they must take every possible action to meet our Dress Code as set out below. The Sixth Form Dress Code is not meant to inhibit individuality but to ensure that students are sensibly dressed in a way, which provides a positive role model for younger students.
The Sixth Form Dress code is intended to give students guidance as to what is appropriate manner of dress in our school community (taking in to account that we have students aged 11 to 18+). This dress code is in place before each academic year to allow students to make informed decisions before joining the sixth form.
The table below gives examples of what is and is not acceptable. This list is not exhaustive and a guide. Please consult your Head of Year if you are unsure.
Students should seek advice from a member of the Sixth Form Team if they are unclear about what is/isn’t acceptable, and in particular before making any changes to hair colour/visible piercings.
Exceptions to this dress code are at the discretion of the Headteacher only.
Sixth Form students are required to wear their Sixth Form ID cards at all times when on site to enable the school to meet its safeguarding responsibilities.
Appropriate Length
Definition of ‘short’ or ‘Appropriate Length’ being that any shorts/skirt/dress should be longer than the lowest point that your longest finger reaches when you are stood upright and have your hands by your sides. If the piece of clothing rests higher than your longest finger it will be deemed too short.
If you need help interpreting this definition or have a need that makes this definition invalid please see your Head of Year.
The school accepts that students may wish to have piercings but must balance this with the age profile of the whole community therefore:
· There should be no more than 2 piercings in the nose
· A single eyebrow piercing is acceptable
· A single lip piercing is acceptable
· A single tongue piercing is acceptable
· No dermals/microdermals or surface piercings should be visible.
Ideally single simple studs will be used where piercings exist but when rings/hoops are used these should be as small as possible and it should be possible to remove them if needed. Items such as Flesh Lobes, spacers or elements which link piercings together including chains are not acceptable.
Examples of unacceptable:
Please note that for certain subjects or activities (such as Sport/Technology/Science) some piercings will need to be covered/removed for safety reasons. This may also be necessary in some work experience placements.
The UK prohibits anyone under the age of 18 to have a tattoo. Should a student that has turned 18 wish to have a tattoo we would ask that these are generally covered. The school does not allow neck or facial tattoos.
Should you need to seek advice about a possible tattoo please see your Head of Year.
Hair and Makeup
· Must be kept neat, tidy and professional
· Extreme hair styles such as those pictured in this code are not acceptable.
· Makeup should not be extreme in nature and take in to consideration we have much younger students on the school site.
The school does not have restrictions on colours that sixth formers may choose in their hair.
Examples of styles that would be unacceptable
Should students fail to follow this guidance they will be asked to take action to resolve the issue which may include seeking professional hair stylist advice.
Should you wish to discuss a hair style before proceeding please contact your head of year.
Stage and Consequences
Students are young adults and should be capable of following the above rules as a member of the sixth form/school community as they opted to attend the sixth form. If students are unable to follow the examples above (especially the highlighted) then the following actions will be taken.
1. Warning from staff and appropriate remedial action agreed – Flag issued and tutor informed to check over coming days. Contact made home by sixth form office to outline expectation.
Remedial action may include
a. Adjusting clothing or adding extra layer the student has with them
b. Utilising a T-Shirt/Sweatshirt provided by school until the end of the day
c. Seeking alternative clothing for the remainder of the day
2. If repeated on same day or over the same week then student moved to study centre in ‘isolation’ for remainder of day. Contact to home made by sixth form office to reinforce importance of following dress code and the next stage if not followed.
3. If repeated then formal suspension will be considered for half a day/day and a reintegration meeting may be needed between student, parent and Head of Year.